Sunday, November 8, 2009




I’ve finally discovered a mud which fulfills many of my admittedly persnicketty requirements.  There’s crafting, certain sense of mystery around each of the 22 classes, each requiring very different styles of play.  There’s a certain amount of crafting, an active  lively player base, and though there are levels, experience also must be spent on appropriate skills, so that characters of the same class are not simply cookie cutter droids.


This mud is so good that I’m having to tear myself away in order to get my daily pages done.  Given that I am 43 rather than 23, this is not so harde as it once was, especially given that the rewards of completing my novel, quite apart from publication and any dreamed-for paydays, will be enormous, and very likely exceed those of getting a paladin to level 90, however inviting that prospect might be. 


Also, I think it might be important for me to be involved with some kind of gameplay while I’m working on “Dragons and Angels”.  My protagonist is a middle-aged toymaker with a marked insight into the lives of children.  Though I’ve only completed the first quarter of the book, His understanding of gameplay may well have a great part to play in the denouement.


Plus, I just like to smash goblins.

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