Thursday, October 29, 2009

Slack Sermon #23

Twelve years ago I was struck down by the Plague which bit off the head of the 20th century and spat it into a medical waste container. I lost many friends, lovers and the better part of my eyesight. Friends, to put it gently, I was eating turd pie and asking for seconds.

Then Slack entered my life. I applied for SSDI and aftrer some memorable epistolary battles wih the slope-headed government droids whose job it is to keep public hands off the government stash,I was awarded a monthly amount which is keeping me alive. I have enough to pay rent, sparks, phone and Internet and a little left over for pho and sushi every month. I have written one book and am in the middle of my second, and one day I will have a literary career, as the current book is going to be print Godzilla. Then I will come back here and get you all coupons for ten percent off the sale price.

I'm telling you, cowboys and cowchicks, there IS Slack in the Cosmos and you don't have to lose your eyes and friends to get it. Don't let them floss their yellow teeth with your deepest dreams. Don't let them make media puppets of your heroes. Fuck them in the left ear, and when you come, come a stream of liberation jazz till they're drowning in it.

Who's this talking?

I am Captain Crunch.
I am the Last American Saint, except for you.
I am Lazarus risen from the dead.

Eat the stars and shit poetry.
Be bop a loo bop a wop bam boom.

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