Friday, October 15, 2010

Another Reboot



I’ve done several reboots of this blog over the last five years or so, and I’m sure there are more to come.  It may just be that I don’t have the temperament to be a blogger, even though I write almost every day.  But that’s writing a novel, not tellling the world that I bought a Subway sandwich today.  Okay, that’s a little snarky.  Many blogs are about much more than the writer’s daily ephemera, what he ate, the annoying bus passenger, or name your poison.  But I think, this time around, I’m going to concentrate on talking about writing, with some of the ephemera that gives it context.  Also, probably stuff about living in subsidized housing, my thoughts and feelings about “poor punk” and the book I’m currently reading or which I have stopped reading because it bored me to the point of melting away.  Also, I will be posting excerpts from the novel, whose title, I establish with great fanfare, is “The Prisoner of Tallgrave”.  I’m very proud of this book, having, at page 220, written more than half of it.  It’s a great whacking slamdance of a fantasy novel, with two dragons, a witch, a saint, high priestesses galore and an eldritch god from a fallen world.  I’m afraid they all speak like Somerset Maugham, especially my first person protagonist, but I think that’s one of the novel’s little charms.  It contains a world of articulate people who prefer to say exactly what they mean.  The diction is nearly contemporary, but it’s a reflective, Jane Austeny sort of book with closet poets around every corner.


By the way, today I bought cold cut Subway sandwich off their Five dollar menu.  Scrumptious!


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