Saturday, July 4, 2009

Out With the Girls

So, Goebbels, Goering and Himmler all blew into town last week and the Feuhrer was busy so I had to entertain them. I showed them the night spots, and of course Leni dropped in. Then all of us girls went to the salon and had our hair done, nails, foot massage and oh just everything. Then Goering and Goebbels had a fight over who was the prettiest and I had to break it up, since Himmler is notorious for not getting involved unless there's some man she wants in the deal. I thought we had it all ironed out and we were going to a show at the Jewel Box, but the three of them got in a knife fight over a diamond tiara and who was the prettiest, and oh it was ugly. And it wasn't even real diamond, it was cubic zirconium. I finally got Goebbels and Goering to make up, but Himmler wouldn't stop crying and we ended up missing the show because her makeup was smeared and she wouldn't think of stepping outside until her mascara was perfect again. And of COURSE it could never be perfect, what with that ghastly green shade she prefers and has all the boys mad for, or so she thinks. Even with the two G['s swearing that she looked divine, Miss H. couldn't be budged, the stubborn attention whore. And then who should drop in but Alger Hiss and...

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