Constant Reader,
I’ve started a Yahoo Group (email discussion list) for discussion of the novel I’m writing, a literary fantasy called
“Dragons & Angels”. If you like what you read here, you may enjoy my effort at fiction. I won’t give away the plot, but it involves a maker of toy automata, an imprisoned archangel and an ancient dragon. Sounds like the usual fantasy ingredients, but I think you may find otherwise.
If you’d like to join the growing community of readers and critics, just send a blank email to:
You will get a message from the Yahoo server asking you to verify that you’re the one requesting to join. Simply send a blank reply to this and you’ll be sent a message welcoming you to the group.
I’ll be making reposts over the next couple of weeks so people can get caught up. I’m also posting the chapters in a folder in the Iovarre area at Yahoo Groups, so people can read the chapters at their leisure.
Anyone who participates in this forum is assured of being mentioned in the Acknowledgments when the book is published.